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5. OPIc Filler

Filler를 통해 공백을 채움.


Sentence Starters : 의견을 시작하기 전에 한번 더 생각 할 수 있음.

1. When it comes to ...

2. Well, in my honest opinion, ...

3. Well, frankly,

4. I have to say that ~

5. In my view,

6. As I see it,

7. It seems to me,

8. Frankly speaking,


Redundant Pharses : 불필요한 문장 추가로 한번 더 생각

1. Let me think...

2. Let me see now..

3. Well, that's an interesting question.

I've never thought about that.

But I guess I would have to say ...


Paraphrasing : 재인용

1. In other words..

2. Let me put it another way..


Restarting : 잘못 대답하고 있을 때 돌아오는 법

1. Let me start over..

2. Oh, I seem to have lost my train of thought.

Let me see.. oh yes, What I mean to say is...


위기상황 대처표현

1. 질문을 잘 이해 못했거나 놓쳤을 때 : I'm afraid, I don't understood the question clearly, but let me try.

2. 이미 답변한 내용 : As I mentioned earlier,

3. 주제를 벗어났을 때 : I think I'm off the topic now.

4. 질문과 관련된 경험 없거나 기억나지 않을 때 : To be honest, I have never had that kind of experience.

5. 정확한 표현이 생각나지 않을 때 : Well, I don't know how to put it.. But I'll try my best.

6. 마지막 몇 문제에 답변 시간이 부족할 때 : To make it short,..


2019.04.23 수정됨.


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